
There are something missing on Getting Started Swift Guide

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It says to add this on bridging header:
#import <AppodealAds/Appodeal.h>

it should be
#import <Appodeal/Appodeal.h>

Also after it I got a lot of Apple Mach-O Linker Error like this:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"std::set_terminate(void (*)())", referenced from:
_kscrashsentry_installCPPExceptionHandler in Appodeal(KSCrashSentry_CPPException.o)
_kscrashsentry_uninstallCPPExceptionHandler in Appodeal(KSCrashSentry_CPPException.o)
"std::terminate()", referenced from:
___clang_call_terminate in Appodeal(KSCrashSentry_CPPException.o)

The last commit fixed the problem :)
It was missing the libc++