
Markers ( rendered view) does not stay steady when mobile location changed

ChetnaNakum opened this issue · 9 comments

Markers ( rendered view) does not stay steady when mobile location changed.The marker move automatically. how can make it steady ?

I met the same issue.

The markers are re-calculated every few seconds, and will move a little bit as the calculated direction of north changes.

If this behaviour doesn't suit what you are trying to do, you can change the interval to something greater (such as 2 minutes) with:

I have increased this interval to 960 from 60. But it changes frequently.

locationScene.setAnchorRefreshInterval(120); still it changes frequently. Any updates on this issue ?
@Ronakgadhia @johnwedgbury

No updates from them. @shahparth99999

The Markers are flickering and move parallel to camera. any fix for this?

Please let us know if anyone found a solution for this

Same Problem

Consider that the refresh intervall is in milliseconds!