
Adding formatter to Donut/Pie Chart label causes JavaScript Error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
Adding a formatter via com.github.appreciated.apexcharts.config.plotoptions.pie.builder.ValueBuilder.withFormatter(String) causes JavaScript error "TypeError: (0 , t.value.formatter) is not a function".

Steps or code example to Reproduce
Sample Code:

private static Labels buildLabels() {		
	final String formatter = 	"function doSomeJavaScript(x) { " + 
						"    return x.toString().replace(/\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/g, \",\");" + 
	return LabelsBuilder.get()
						.withName(NameBuilder	.get()
						.withValue(ValueBuilder	.get()													

Expected behavior
A formatted number should appear in the middle of the pie chart e.g. 1,000,000


I have the same issue while trying to set a formatter on the total label of donut chart.
I am setting the following formatter:

function(w) {              
  w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);               

I think the problem here is that the Java wrapper sends the formatter value as a String while JavaScript side expects a function.

I don't think it's possible to send functions via JSON directly since JSON is not supposed to transfer functions:

A workaround is needed: e.g. you'll need to attach the functions beforehand, say to the window object:

window.formatLabelTotal = function() { ... }

Then the wrapper code would accept the formatter Strings as function names, such as window.formatLabelTotal. However this needs to be implemented.

I am able to set a formatter on other chart/label and it works.
For example, I do this

private val jvmMemoryChart = ApexChartsBuilder.get()
            .withTitle(TitleSubtitleBuilder.get().withText("JVM Memory").build())

With this formatter string:

private val jvmMemFormatterJsFucntion =
          function(val, {seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) {              
              return (parseFloat(val).toFixed(2)) + " kB";               

When digging in the wrapper's JS code, this snippet must be the reason it works:

if (this.dataLabels) {
  this.config.dataLabels = JSON.parse(this.dataLabels);
  if (this.config.dataLabels.formatter) {
    this.config.dataLabels.formatter = this.evalFunction(this.config.dataLabels.formatter);

The evalFunction() does the trick.

Also, by looking at the wrapper's JS code, I don't see anywhere that it handles the plotOptions Pie/Donut label configurations and evalutate the formatter's string. It is just not implemented for all types of label.

Excellent find! I can indeed see at apexcharts-wrapper.js:175 that the plotOptions formatter for pie/donut is not post-processed. Perhaps something like this should be in place:

if (this.plotOptions.pie && this.plotOptions.pie.donut && this.plotOptions.pie.donut.labels && && { = this.evalFunction(;

(the same for this.plotOptions.pie.donut.labels.value).