
How to use ONLY optipng?

krakrock opened this issue · 5 comments

I want to use optipng instead of pngquant for PNG images. How can I do this in the code?

I edited the config file in /vendor/approached/laravel-image-optimizer/config:

'transform_handler' => [
    'png'  => 'optipng',
    'jpg'  => 'jpegoptim',
    'jpeg' => 'jpegoptim',
    'gif'  => 'gifsicle',

And I uncommented the lines for optipng:

'optipng_bin' => '/usr/local/bin/optipng',
'optipng_options' => ['-o2', '-quiet'],

But when the optimizer runs, it still outputs the PNG using the pngquant algorithms.

Hi @krakrock
it looks everything good.

Try to clear your config / cache. And then try to debug it.


I've cleared the config cache (with php artisan config:cache), and on top of that, I completely uninstalled pngquant (so I now only have optipng), but now when I run the optimizer, it doesn't do anything to optimize the image. It remains the same size.

I have no idea why that not work.

But try like this:


Can you post your full file with use statements to:

Huh, interesting:

It's still pngquant.

What's the correct way of changing the config then? Do I change it directly under /vendor? How do I refresh the cache properly?

Alright, I fixed the problem.

For some dumb ass reason, I was editing the config under /vendor, when I should've edited it under /config.