
100% CPU usage

fujab opened this issue · 2 comments

fujab commented

When optimizing an image, my CPU usage jumps to 100% (I'm using DigitalOcean's $5/mo plan).

Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to lower the usage other than upgrading my server?

What if I need to optimize uploaded images from 100 users at the same time?

Hello @fujab

try to run this commands directly on the machine, than you will see, that is normally or not.

... for example:

pngquant example.png

gifsicle example.gif

jpegoptim example.jpg

This package runs only this commands with some parameters (see config file).


I forgot my password to the account so I'm using this one.

I just tried running pngquant example.png through command line, and it also spikes to 100%: