
Laravel 5.1 project on

kailashgajara opened this issue · 5 comments


I have placed my laravel project under /opt/appserver/webapps/myproject. When I try to access the project http://localhost:9080/myproject/, I get following error. I guess it has something to do with redirect engine. The project works just fine in apache.

The requested URL /myproject/ was not found on this server.

exception 'AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException' with message 'The requested URL /myproject/ was not found on this server.' in /opt/appserver/vendor/appserver-io/webserver/src/AppserverIo/WebServer/Modules/CoreModule.php:268

Stack trace:
#0 /opt/appserver/vendor/appserver-io/webserver/src/AppserverIo/WebServer/ConnectionHandlers/HttpConnectionHandler.php(507): AppserverIo\WebServer\Modules\CoreModule->process(Object(AppserverIo\Http\HttpRequest), Object(AppserverIo\Http\HttpResponse), Object(AppserverIo\Server\Contexts\RequestContext), 2)
#1 /opt/appserver/vendor/appserver-io/webserver/src/AppserverIo/WebServer/ConnectionHandlers/HttpConnectionHandler.php(433): AppserverIo\WebServer\ConnectionHandlers\HttpConnectionHandler->processModules(2)
#2 /opt/appserver/vendor/appserver-io/server/src/AppserverIo/Server/Workers/ThreadWorker.php(256): AppserverIo\WebServer\ConnectionHandlers\HttpConnectionHandler->handle(Object(AppserverIo\Server\Sockets\StreamSocket), Object(AppserverIo\Server\Workers\ThreadWorker))
#3 /opt/appserver/vendor/appserver-io/server/src/AppserverIo/Server/Workers/ThreadWorker.php(183): AppserverIo\Server\Workers\ThreadWorker->work()
#4 {main}

Hi there @kailashgajara ,

what does the myproject folder contain? Our webserver would look for an index file like index.html or index.php. Without any configured rewrites the rewrite engine should not influence the process at all.
Problem is we do not pick up .htaccess files like apache does. So we might miss some rewrites here.
How would your apache setup look? Any rewrites in .htaccess?



@wick-ed Thanks for your answer. Ya, I got that now. I had to add virtual-host in virtual-hosts.xml file. We can close this now.

On a side note: Sorry for very basic question but I have my laravel project. I add in php.ini but I'm getting error as below:

[17-Mar-2016 08:32:13 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/appserver/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20131226/' - dlopen(/opt/appserver/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20131226/, 9): image not found in Unknown on line 0

Cool @kailashgajara :)

Do you have a file /opt/appserver/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20131226/
This extension is not included by default so you might have to install it using the appserver pecl at /opt/appserver/bin.

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You might join if you have any other questions on :)