
Migrate from Deprecated Monolithic Google Play Core Libs to new per-feature libraries

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Right now the SDK is using the old monolithic play core library 1.10.3, which was released in late 2021 / early 2022, and this is causing some conflicts in our dependency tree.

It would be awesome to migrate to the new feature specific play libraries as described here (ie:


This is causing us some conflicts as well. We have other dependencies that require the newer feature-specific play libraries and cannot compile both sets. If we try then we get duplicate class errors in Gradle. If we try to exclude the duplicate classes then we can experience crashes in GooglePlayReviewManager, since it relies on old package names for Tasks:

...instead of the updated package name for the newer Tasks:

So this may become a blocker for us against using Apptentive on Android. Please consider migrating soon. There are resources like this post and Google's own migration guide that make this migration fairly straightforward.

Adding some additional info that when targeting Android 14, there are breaking changes that force us to update to the 2.1.0 version of the feature-specific libraries mentioned above. Moving to those feature-specific libraries is blocked by apptentive using the monolithic libraries, which means that we can't target Android 14 until this library is updated to use the new artifacts.

I did an update for Android 14
You can wait till they make a release or you can build it locally. It helped to me

Looks like a new release was just put out that fixes this issue