
node-appwrite 7.0.2 bug: uncaught exception in line 478 of ./lib/services/storage.js

maikeriva opened this issue · 0 comments

From discord:

I think I found another bug in the node server SDK (7.0.2)
In line 478 of ./lib/services/storage.js we have:

            writeStream.on("finish", async () => {
                if(currentChunkSize > 0) {
                    await uploadChunk(true);

That is executed on a createFile operation. If the given bucket ID is wrong, this section will execute regardless and will throw an error at uploadChunk. However, since it is thrown within an async function, it cannot get caught by the developer's code flow.

I'd suggest to change it as:

            writeStream.on("finish", async () => {
                try {
                    if (currentChunkSize > 0) {
                        await uploadChunk(true);
                } catch (e) {

This way the exception is propagated and can be handled by developer's code