
Same-origin redirect detection microlibrary.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Vesper.js is a tiny library to detect same-origin redirects.

In English, if /your/page contains a link to /foo, and /foo redirects to /bar, you could detect the /foo -> /bar redirect and do something, such as passively record /your/page as requiring old URLs to be updated.


<script src="vesper.js"></script>
        onRedirected: function(redirectSource, redirectTarget, originatingPage) {
            console.log("redirect from " + redirectSource + " to " + redirectTarget);
            console.log("redirect found on " + originatingPage);

Vesper has no dependencies, but does rely on two features from HTML5:

* Navigation Timing, specifically window.performance.navigation
* Web Storage, specifically sessionStorage

Due to browser restrictions, redirects can only be detected if both source and target satisfy the same-origin policy.

Thanks to Peter Cooper http://peterc.org/ for the name.

License and contributing

Copyright (c) 2013 Adam Prescott https://aprescott.com.

Vesper is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

The quickest way to get changes contributed:

  1. Visit the GitHub repository for Vesper.
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Check out a branch on the latest master for your change: git checkout -b master new-feature --- do not make changes on master!
  4. Send a pull request on GitHub, including a description of what you've changed.