
Strings aren't escaped properly in the derived `WriteDataPoint`

stegaBOB opened this issue · 1 comments

Strings that contain quotes aren't properly escaped and cause writes to fail.

Minimal example

#[derive(Default, WriteDataPoint)]
#[measurement = "quote_strings"]
struct QuoteStrings {
    string_tag: String,
    string_field: String,
    time: i64,

expands to:

impl ::influxdb2::models::WriteDataPoint for QuoteStrings {
    fn write_data_point_to<W>(&self, mut w: W) -> std::io::Result<()> where W: std::io::Write {
        w.write_all(format!("{},", "quote_strings").as_bytes())?;
        w.write_all(format!("{}", "string_tag").as_bytes())?;
        w.write_all(<String as ::influxdb2::writable::KeyWritable>::encode_key(&self.string_tag).into_bytes().as_slice())?;
        w.write_all(b" ")?;
        w.write_all(format!("{}", "string_field").as_bytes())?;
        w.write_all(<String as ::influxdb2::writable::ValueWritable>::encode_value(&self.string_field).into_bytes().as_slice())?;
        w.write_all(b" ")?;
        w.write_all(<i64 as ::influxdb2::writable::TimestampWritable>::encode_timestamp(&self.time).into_bytes().as_slice())?;

Currently, the KeyWritable just clones the string, and the ValueWritable implementation formats the string with escaped quotes surrounding it. Both would result in errors if the values contain quotes.

Looks like there's a few other characters that need escaping too.

I'd be happy to add a fix for this and open a PR some time next week

@stegaBOB thank you for reporting this. Pull request is always welcome