Help following instructions to compile
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Using the current master, it is unclear where I need to point these two items at:
-DVecGeom_DIR=<path_to_vecgeom_installation>/lib/cmake/VecGeom \
in the cmake command.
I downloaded VecGeom:
git clone
and create a build directory, in which I built and installed.
Then I can see e.g.
ls /home/Mark_Hodgkinson_irisiam/VecGeom/build
CMakeCache.txt CTestTestfile.cmake Makefile VecGeom VecGeomConfigVersion.cmake buildExternals cmake_uninstall.cmake libvecgeom.a
CMakeFiles DartConfiguration.tcl Testing VecGeomConfig.cmake VecGeomTargets.cmake cmake_install.cmake installExternals test
in which I don't see anything that looks like:
I checked subdirectories but don't find any folders with names like lib or cmake. I add similar issues with the veccore I downloaded.
Trying to just use their top directories does not work for me:
cmake -S. -B./adept-build -DVecCore_DIR=../veccore/ -DVecGeom_DIR=../VecGeom/
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:43 (find_package):
By not providing "FindVecCore.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "VecCore", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "VecCore"
(requested version 0.5.2) with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "VecCore" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"VecCore_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"VecCore" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.
Could someone advise how to correctly install VecCore and VecGeom, and then how to use them with cmake in this project?
and create a build directory, in which I built and installed.
What was the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
when you configured/installed? If this wasn't set it would have defaulted to /usr/local
. If you run make install
(in the VecGeom build directory) then it should print out some info as to where the files got installed to.
Thanks @drbenmorgan. Yes:
cmake -S. -B./adept-build -DVecCore_DIR=/usr/local/share/VecCore/cmake/ -DVecGeom_DIR=/usr/local/lib64/cmake/VecGeom/
worked for me.