
How do I restrict user/group access to a particular result area?

Opened this issue · 8 comments

chavu commented

How do I restrict user/group access to a particular logframe result area?

Are you asking if it is possible to allow users to edit or view only certain parts of the logframe?

The permissions that are currently available can be controlled through the admin interface at /admin/auth/group/ and /admin/contacts/user/

The proper way to do this would be to create a group that has the permissions you wanted and assign users to this group

chavu commented

Yes I'm asking what permissions to give a particular user groupA to access only a particular result area and it's child nodes. For example with structure below, how can I give user groupA access only to Output 2.2 and its child outcomes and activities. Which permission in the permission list to I pick.

Goal 1
Goal 2
-- Output 2.1
-- Output 2.2
-- -- Outcome 2.2.1
-- -- -- Activity
-- -- -- Activity
-- -- Outcome 2.2.2
-- Output 2.2
Goal 3

OK that makes sense. Currently we don't have that kind of control on permissions so I'll make this a feature request.

chavu commented

Ok. Thanks. Do you know when I should expect this feature.

We currently have neither funding nor spare capacity to develop Kashana. Pull requests are welcome though!

chavu commented

How much funding is required to resolve the 10 issues I logged in? You can send me private email/message

Hi @chavu . It would be great to hear about what your organisation is doing with Kashana and how we can help. I don't think GitHub allows you to send private messages and I can't see an email address for you. You can get in touch via the email at http://kashana.org or http://www.aptivate.org/en/contact/

This sounds like a job for django-guardian (https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian)