
[improvement proposal]

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Aptos team!

Being an active Petra wallet user, want to share some ideas how it can be better and more competitive among other wallets:

1/ add a dashboard

The principal way to work and interact with dApps is a dashboard (with the function "expand to full screen"), linked to the wallet (examples: Metamask, Martian wallet, Kepler, etc.). Using a dashboard makes the wallet more usability-oriented, because the user sees the whole interface of his wallet in a convenient (familiar) scale on the whole screen and does not look at the right corner of the monitor to see his assets. When using a small monitor (e.g. macbook), it allows to see the assets more qualitatively (thus using the wallet becomes more accessible for people who may have vision problems), because the image is larger in size and to use the wallet through the dashboard more qualitatively without accidentally missing, for example, the number of tokens (a figure in their number) or for example not to confuse USDC (Layer Zero - zUSDC) and USDC (Wormhole - USDC), because the images will be of good quality and visually they will be larger in size compared to the display.

2/ user friendly staking from wallet

Wallet staking is a much needed and necessary feature that eliminates unnecessary interactions with other URLs, while optimizing time spent by the user.

3/ Swap, bridge

AptosBridge/Pontem DEX integration into Petra: to increase the user's ability to use the wallet [only if it does not increase the likelihood of hacking or decrease the security of the wallet].

4/ Display assets in USD,

Next to the number of tokens there is the price in US dollars e.g. 1 APT - 5 USD.

5/ Integration of Aptos name service into Petra wallet (optional use).

To make your digital indentity more unique, you need to link your username/avatar/description to your wallet.

6/ Adding a language menu.

You can start with 3-5 of the most popular languages in the world.

hi guys, hope these thoughts might be useful @davidiw @kent-white welcome back from token2049 👏