
pytorch version for this repo

Closed this issue · 2 comments

There's no mention of any packages' version in Readme.md. I have used torch 1.0.0 to run these scripts, but got some run time errors and complie time erorrs. I think the reason may be the version of our pytorch or other packages didn't match. Which version of torch did you use?

In detail, after running
python main.py --sr --arch MobileNetV2
when running
python prune.py --arch MobileNetV2 --pruner SlimmingPruner --sr --pruneratio 0.6
a complie time error occured

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "prune.py", line 96, in <module>
  File "..../MobileNet-v2-pruning/pruner/slimming.py", line 49, in prune
    b.prunemask = torch.where(mask == 1)[0]
TypeError: where() missing 2 required positional argument: "input", "other"

torch 1.5 works well