
mongoid_taggable_with_context.gemspec still refers to mongoid beta

iRonin opened this issue · 10 comments

Would you mind fixing mongoid version referrence in mongoid_taggable_with_context.gemspec?
I've just tried to install the gem and got:

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "mongoid":
In Gemfile:
  mongoid_taggable_with_context depends on
    mongoid (~> 2.0.0.beta.20)

  mongoid (2.1.2)

It seems the latest mongoid ( 2.1.4 at the moment) is broken. previous_changes is not working and always giving back nil. This causes the specs to fail. For this reason your pull request is reverted as well.

As you can see I was trying to install your gem with mongoid 2.1.2.

I think the problem is that to work with Mongoid 2.1.2, usually the gemspec would use ~> 2.1.0, which would allow use of the broken 2.1.4 release as well.

I did some changes to my code to work around the problem with the previous_changes. Here is the new rules:

If you want to use mongoid-2.1.x, please use mongoid_taggable_with_context-0.7.x.

If you want to use mongoid-2.0.x, please use mongoid_taggable_with_context-0.6.x.

That's all!


That's odd, because I tried it on 2.1.2 as well just in case, and it broke the same way...

For the curious, here is something to demonstrate the difference:

class Foo
  include Mongoid::Document
  after_create :print_previous_changes_after_create
  after_save :print_previous_changes_after_save
  field :name

  def print_previous_changes_after_create
    p "previous_changes in after create callback"
    p previous_changes

  def print_previous_changes_after_save
    p "previous_changes in after save callback"
    p previous_changes

a = Foo.create!(:name => "asdf")

a.previous_changes = "bar"!


previous_changes inside the callbacks behaves differently between mongoid-2.0.x and mongoid-2.1.x.

In the Rakefile there is still this line:

gem.add_runtime_dependency 'mongoid', '~> 2.0.0.beta.20'

And it prevents me from installing the gem.

Great, thank you!

Not working for mongoid (2.3.2)

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "mongoid":
In Gemfile:
mongoid_taggable_with_context (> 0.7.2) depends on
mongoid (
> 2.1.0)

mongoid (2.3.2)

Thank you!