Originaly Developed by Cheng-Jun Wang & Lingfei Wu Cheng-Jun Wang wangchj04@gmail.com Lingfei Wu wlf850927@gmail.com
It has also been ported for python 3.X
Original instruction and repo via https://github.com/chengjun/scholarNetwork
Install from pypi using pip or easy_install
pip install scholarNetwork
easy_install scholarNetwork
# scholarNetwork
from scholarNetwork import scholarNetwork
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
## The seed of crawler
seed = 'https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=nNdt_G8AAAAJ&hl=en&oe=ASCII'
# How many nodes do you want to visulize? Always start with a small one.
Nmax = 21
## Get the graph g
g = scholarNetwork.getGraph(seed, Nmax)
## plot the network
pos=nx.spring_layout(g) #setup the layout
nx.draw(g, pos, node_shape = 'o',
edge_color = 'gray', width = 0.5,
with_labels = True, arrows = True)