
Plugin ossBucketSecureTransport can not correctly determine secureTransportEnabled to true unless the Principal incdues '*'

zhujian0805 opened this issue · 0 comments

The code never sets the secureTransportEnabled to true even the Condition is set correctly in this plugin as shown below, plugins/alibaba/oss/ossBucketSecureTransport.js, the plugin need to match a '*' condition.

            for (let statement of statements) {
                if (statement.Principal && statement.Principal.includes('*') &&
                    statement.Action && statement.Action.length &&
                    statement.Condition && statement.Condition.Bool) {

I have this set in my policy, but it still complain securetransport has not been enabled.

            "Condition": {
                "Bool": {
                    "acs:SecureTransport": [

I have my Principal set to this:

            "Principal": [
                "my RAM User ID"