Additional Fields in Data
scrickman opened this issue · 0 comments
This is more of a general question I have. When I look at the code for the plugins it looks like it's exporting various fields that don't appear in the data.
Data from Clouodsploit:
{ "plugin": "acmCertificateExpiry", "category": "ACM", "title": "ACM Certificate Expiry", "description": "Detect upcoming expiration of ACM certificates", "resource": "xxxxxxx", "region": "us-east-1", "status": "OK", "message": "Certificate for domain: xxxxxxxx expires in 327 days", "compliance": "PCI: PCI requires certificates to be kept up to date and rotated prior to expiry." },
Plugin Code:
module.exports = { title: 'ACM Certificate Expiry', category: 'ACM', domain: 'Identity and Access management', description: 'Detect upcoming expiration of ACM certificates', more_info: 'Certificates that have expired will trigger warnings in all major browsers. AWS will attempt to automatically renew the certificate but may be unable to do so if email or DNS validation cannot be confirmed.', link: '', recommended_action: 'Ensure AWS is able to renew the certificate via email or DNS validation of the domain.', apis: ['ACM:listCertificates', 'ACM:describeCertificate'], compliance: { pci: 'PCI requires certificates to be kept up to date and rotated prior to expiry.' }, settings: { acm_certificate_expiry_pass: { name: 'ACM Certificate Expiry Pass', description: 'Return a passing result when certificate expiration date exceeds this number of days in the future', regex: '^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,3}$', default: 45 }, acm_certificate_expiry_warn: { name: 'ACM Certificate Expiry Warn', description: 'Return a warning result when certificate expiration date exceeds this number of days in the future', regex: '^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,3}$', default: 30 } },
I'm wondering if there is any way to see these additional fields in the Cloudsploit data, like the link and recommended action field. Is there a specific command line flag that needs to be specified? I can't find anything in the documentation that describes this.