
unable to report errors more than once when handlers wrapped with "withSentry"

demsey2 opened this issue · 2 comments

At this stage, I am not sure if the issue is with this library or @sentry/node
so I have a lambda with the following code

import withSentry from "serverless-sentry-lib";
export const handler = withSentry(async (event: S3Event, context: Context) => {
  throw new Error('test');

so if I call that lambda (no instance/cold start), it will report the error, but when I try again and the same lambda instance is called then the error is not reported. I thought it might be because is the same message but I tried

throw new Error(`test with dynamic error ${}`);

and no luck with that

then I just added Sentry.init

export const handler = withSentry(async (event: S3Event, context: Context) => {
  Sentry.init({ dsn: process.env.SENTRY_DSN });
  throw new Error('test');

and this is reporting errors as many times as I call that lambda

my dependencies

"serverless-sentry": "^2.0.2",
"serverless-sentry-lib": "^2.0.1",
"@sentry/node": "^5.18.1",

when I try to call

let client = Sentry.getCurrentHub().getClient();

I got

  dsn: '...',
  release: '984ec86',
  environment: 'dev',
  defaultIntegrations: [
    InboundFilters { _options: {}, name: 'InboundFilters' },
    FunctionToString { name: 'FunctionToString' },
    Console { name: 'Console' },
    Http { name: 'Http', _breadcrumbs: true, _tracing: false },
    OnUncaughtException {
      _options: {},
      name: 'OnUncaughtException',
      handler: [Function]
    OnUnhandledRejection {
      _options: [Object],
      name: 'OnUnhandledRejection'
    LinkedErrors { name: 'LinkedErrors', _key: 'cause', _limit: 5 }
  enabled: false

that flag enabled: false doesn't exist when I call lambda first time

Interesting bug report. Thanks! This will certainly need some additional investigation.

I've just published 2.1.0 that should address this issue. I'm not perfectly sure if this is actually a Sentry issue, but when the Lambda finishes we now call flush instead of close to keep the Sentry instance intact. This should fix the problem.