
Git version without Github

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I would like to use git versions, but I can't since it populates automatically the refs option. My problem is that we're not using Github, but a private Gitlab (sob). So the configuration is rejected by Sentry saying it doesn't know the related Github repo.

Serverless: Sentry: Creating new release "v0.23.0-rc1"...
Serverless: Sentry: Received error response from Sentry:
{"refs": ["Invalid repository names: my_company/my_repo"]}

refs - If you have set up Sentry to collect commit data, you can use commit refs to associate your commits with your Sentry releases. Refer to the Sentry Documentation for details about how to use commit refs. If you set your version to git (or true), the refs options are populated automatically and don't need to be set.

Is there a way to enable the git version feature (i.e. using the git commit hash or version if any) without populating the refs ?

Actually, the release is nevertheless created on Sentry (so I could open the issue #15).
But it makes the deployment script fail anyway, which is not confortable.

I fixed the problem with #28
The problem here is that without my fix the automatically populated refs are not accepted by Sentry.

The changes in #28 have been merged in v2 already. Closed.