
Packer for Ubuntu server for ESXi Lab Environments

Packer config to build ESXi guest from Ubuntu 20.04 server ISO file as a source.

Ubuntu 20.04 Server

Run packer build:

$ packer build -var-file variables.json -on-error=ask -force ansible-packer.json


      "skip_export": "false",
      "output_directory": "output/live-server",

will save the OVF package locally (in the output folder) when packer has finished the job.

variables.json contains ESXi connection params:

  "esxi_host": "<your esxi ip>",
  "esxi_datastore": "datastore",
  "esxi_username": "root",
  "esxi_password": "<your password>"

For more info: https://imagineer.in/blog/packer-build-for-ubuntu-20-04/