
[Feature Request] Option to automatically increase target WPM by 1 once all letters have reached current target

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The title says it all. I'd like an option to have the target WPM be automatically increased by 1, once all the current letters are consistently above the current WPM target. This will ensure that the challenge continues to increase automatically, helping us to continue to improve without having to manually change the target WPM.

To ensure that accuracy does not slip as speed increases, the final step after unlocking all letters at the current target WPM, should require the user to practice with all the letters until they achieve a minimum accuracy - e.g. 99%. Only then will the target WPM get increased by 1.

So for example, if the user currently has the target set to 35 WPM (the default), their first challenge is to proceed with unlocking each letter at 35 WPM. Once they have all letters are unlocked, and they have got J to 35 WPM, the final step is to focus on accuracy - they practice with all the letters until they reach 35 WPM AND 99% accuracy. At that point the WPM increases by 1. (I am using 99% as an example but the user could choose their desired accuracy level - perhaps a number between 95 and 100.)