* Wriiten Small and High Performance Software
* It is Fully Customizable Software
* You can use MVC
* Or You can use Route By Directly Point Which View To Use
* It has WordPress System Plugin You can use Plugin Also
* Also Can Filter data before/After Send
* Smtp
* Databse Migration
* It has
* Array Helper
* Auth Helper
* Datetime Calculation Helper
* content Helper
* Encrypt/Decrypt Helper
* Error Helper
* Debug Helper
* File Upload Helper
* Form-Validation Helper
* Database Helper
* Password Helper (random Password Generation Helper also)
* Pagination Helper
* Query Helper
* Session Helper
* And Many More
* Arafat Config Module You can use as Wp Option
// save data to config
ArafatConfigModule::getInstance()->update_config(1, 'my_key', 'Hello There');
// delete data from config
ArafatConfigModule::getInstance()->delete_previous_must_using_id_key(1, 'my_key');
// Retrive my saved logo list will retrive all entry
$logo = ArafatConfigModule::getInstance()->get_config_by_data_key('footer_momo_img');
// will retrive the first data_value from db
$logo = ArafatConfigModule::getInstance()->get_single_val($logo);
// Retrive my saved logo single will retrive single entry
$logo = ArafatConfigModule::getInstance()->get_config_by_data_key_single('footer_momo_img');
// will retrive the first data_value from db
$logo = ArafatConfigModule::getInstance()->get_single_val($logo);
# Lets Upload a File That we will use
# A file can be any file .. img pdf docs any kind of files
$path = public_path('img');
$db_img_path = 'img';
ArafatConfigModule::getInstance()->update_config_file($_FILES, $path, $db_img_path, 0, 'footer_momo_img');
// Enjoy it ...
Route::group(['middleware' => ['AuthMiddleware@index'],'prefix' => 'backend'], function() {
Route::any("/", "TestController@index", "home");
Route::get("/test", "TestController@index", "home2");
Route::get("/test/abc/{id}/{name}", "TestController@index", "testRouteName");
Route::group(['middleware' => ['AuthMiddleware@index', 'AuthMiddleware@check'], 'prefix' => 'prefix-seo'], function() {
Route::page("/", function(){
echo "You are in prefix";
/* pr(core_crud());
// pr($coreCrud);
}, 'prefix');
Route::get("/aaa/bbb/ccc", "TestController@index", "journal");
$data2 = array();
view("website/home-view.php", compact('data2'));
}, "aaa3");
// echo "I am A pGE rOUTE";
}, "aaa");
Route::any("/", "TestController@index", "homesss");
Route::get("/page/abc/{id}/{action}", "TestController@index", "testRouteName2");
Route::get("/post/abc/{id}/{name}", "TestController@index", "testRouteName3");
Route::get("/api/abc/{id}/{slug}", "TestController@index", "testRouteName4");
Route::get("/call/my-page/", "TestController@index", "testRouteName5");
Route::get("/admin", "AdminController@index", "admin");
= Crm Routes =
# Default Route
Route::page("/", function () {
redirect(route("home", false));
}, 'default');
Route::page('/home', function(){
echo 'Hello World';
}, 'home');
Route::page("/user-login", function () {
}, 'login');
// End Default CRM routes
* All the Routes That Is Only Acces After
* Login is Inside The Below Middleware
* Group .....
* Create From Scratch
* @author arafat.dml@gmail.com
* @package arafat own php Framework
* It use the Routing System that
* Created Form Scratch
# Middleware for login user ...
Route::group(['middleware' => ['AuthMiddleware@login_user']], function () {
Route::page("/user-logout", function () {
// call the Logout...
}, 'logout');
Route::page("/invoice-print", function () {
}, 'invoice-print');
= Client Panel =
Route::page("/client-panel-profile", function () {
}, 'client-panel-profile');
# For Not Found Url
Route::notFound(function () {
/*$obj = new TestController();
// echo "not found msg here";
/*===== End of Crm Routes ======*/
class TestController extends BaseController{
public function index($one = NULL, $two = NULL){
echo "I am form Controller my params are {$one}, {$two}";
$data = array("hello", "here", "there");
$data2 = array("tigher", "lion", "horse");
// view("website/home-view.php", compact('data') );
// or
// view("website/home-view.php", array("name" => $data) );
view("website/home-view.php", compact('data2') );
public function not_found(){
echo "<br/> I think you are lost here </br/>";
* 1. After Middleware
* 2. Before Middleware
class AuthMiddleware {
public static function index() {
# checking the Login ...
# Only login users are Allowed Here
# If a Client Login then Redirect
# It is Gret haaa ? Lot of task We did in one Place .....
# Code is poetry is not it ??? Yes bro It Coll I know ...
# arafat.dml@gmail.com
if(Auth("user_type") == "client"){
// redirect(route("client-panel-profile", false));
redirect(route("client-order-place2", false));
public static function login_user(){
# checking the Login ...
# Only login users are Allowed Here
# If a Client Login then Redirect