LTspice on Linux Ubuntu - How to install and use

Make great analog designs


This are the steps to install and use LTspice 64 bits on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 .


# Update your package manager.
sudo apt-get update

# Install Wine
sudo apt-get install wine-stable

# Download LTSpice 64 bits
cd /tmp/

# Install LTSpice
wine LTspice64.exe
rm LTspice64.exe

How to execute LTspice

# Start lstpice through wine
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/XVIIx64.exe

Create a directory for your simulation files

# To open file in LTspice, move it to somewhere in ~/.wine/drive_c folder which is the C drive in wine.
mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/examples/Educational/my_ltspice_files

# Copy file from Examples to my_ltspice_files diretory this is more pratical.
cp ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/examples/Educational/Clapp.asc ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/examples/Educational/my_ltspice_files/Clapp.asc 

# In this way it is better organized but the examples are far away from your projects directory.
mkdir ~/.wine/drive_c/my_ltspice_files_2
cp ~/my_files/test.asc ~/.wine/drive_c/my_ltspice_files_2/

LTspice Help Manual

The help file LTspiceHelp.chm will not open correctly inside LTspice. But LTspice, comes also with the documentation in the PDF format. The file is LTspiceHelp.pdf , just open it.

To open the file LTspiceHelp.pdf just do:

  1. Open the file explorer on Linux /home/<user>/ .

  2. Do Ctrl + H to see the hidden files and directories that start with a "." (dot) .

  3. Navegate to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/

  4. Double click on the file LTspiceHelp.pdf .

  5. Do Ctrl + H to change again to not see the hidden files and directories that start with a "." (dot) .

References on LTspice Simulation

  1. LTspice - Site Analog Devices
    Program, documentation, tutorials, videos.

  2. Play List - LTspice tutorial - FesZ Electronics
    Great youtube Channel on LTSpice and Analog Design.

  3. Play List - LTspice - Getting Started Tutorial - Official tutorials

  4. Play List - LTspice - Essentials Tutorial - Official tutorials

  5. Video - LTspice - Stepping Parameters

  6. Book - The LTSpice XVII simulator - Commands and Applications
    by Gilles Brocard

  7. Book - The LTSpice IV Simulator - Manual, methods and applications
    by Gilles Brocard

References on installing LTspice

My guides on electronics and common components

All my other guides

Have fun!

Best regards,
João Nuno Carvalho