

arasatasaygin opened this issue ยท 9 comments

To claim this logo

  • Introduce your active open source project.
  • Community can upvote your comment and you can upvote other projects as well.
  • Starting from 1st of July, I will give one logo per day until the end of month according to these upvotes.

Hi, Mr. Aras!

Love your work.

I would like to propose a claim for this beautiful logo for "fugitive",
a project I'm currently working on which aims to leverage the rise of
WebRTC in optimizing the way we resolve web assets in a secure,
efficient, pre-orchestrated manner.

My goal is to create an open-sourced approach in improving user experience
by further reducing latency, which will efficiently work well not only in urban areas
but also in last-mile-delivery cases (ie. end-users which are far from CDN / Cloud Delivery
Network endpoints), whether the content are images, videos or just plain binary files.

The "F" in this wonderful art fits well for 'fugitive' and I can already
see myself walking down the street wearing a black / white shirt
with this amazing logo on it.

Joshua Samonte

agis commented

Hello Aras!

I'd love to claim this logo for mistry, a build server that enables fast workflows by pre-computing results of commands and serving them to clients. It uses efficient incremental building and caching techniques to employ fast builds. It also comes with a web UI, in which the logo could be a great fit.

We initially built mistry to increase the speed of our deployments but quickly adopted it for other pipelines as well (eg. installing dependencies). We successfully used it in the past three months and it greatly saved much developer time, since builds got up to 10 times faster. I believe other open source projects, companies or individuals can use mistry to speed up their workflows.

We plan to continuously improve it by adding much needed features and make it a more robust solution.

Agis Anastasopoulos

P.S. Congrats for the initiative!

I would like to claim this logo for our Arch Linux installer which is called Archon (Archon is a greek word which means "Ruler") and it is in active development.

The Logo looks like ฮ‘ and we could use it for our project (in a way we ease the struggle of getting out of the maze that is the Arch Linux Installation)

Bill Niakas

pie6k commented


I'd like to claim this logo for typegql - project allowing you to create GraphQL schema with TypeScript classes.. Goal of this project is to take advantage of typed js language to auto-create graphql schema which is also strongly typed solution. It allows having only single source of truth for both schema shape and resolved values.

To have working schema able to resolve query like:

query {
  hello(name: "Bob") # will resolve to 'Hello, Bob!'

You'd need only:

import { compileSchema, SchemaRoot, Query } from 'typegql';

class SuperSchema {
  hello(name: string): string {
    return `Hello, ${name}!`;

const compiledSchema = compileSchema({ roots: [SuperSchema] });

I picked this one because it's shape is 'well defined' and it corresponds with nature of typegql to provide a way to define strong edges of any api. Project is entirely covered with tests and I believe it could be really useful for rapid development of reliable Graphql api's.


i love this logo

Thanks for your kind words and claiming this logo everyone.


I would like to claim this logo for the project. It aims to create an easy, language-independent API for people to use for peer-to-peer networking, as an essentially drop-in replacement for things like It currently has an beta version available in Python and Javascript, with parsing support in C, C++, Java, and Golang (those last two being somewhat incomplete). That version works with TCP, websockets, and self-signed TLS. I am working on rewriting the protocol at the moment to allow other developers to more easily participate, and more formally support a variety of transport methods. For more info, see py2p and js2p.

I like this logo in particular because it illustrates connectivity fairly well, while also having a somewhat retro feel to it.


I would like to claim this logo for netclix. It aims to use the VodLocker API to easily and effectively search for movies.

This, in my opinion, is a very nice logo because it has a very nice depth effect to it, and displays togetherness and inter-connectivity.

Congrats @xemasiv
Can you please get in touch with me from I'll share all resource files, fonts, and sticker mule voucher.

Thanks again everyone for claiming and supporting.

~ Aras