

arasatasaygin opened this issue ยท 8 comments

To claim this logo

  • Introduce your active open source project.
  • Community can upvote your comment and you can upvote other projects as well.
  • Starting from 1st of July, I will give one logo per day until the end of month according to these upvotes.

Hello, I would like to present you an app that aims to track tasks. The app is made using CodeIgniter 3. The name I chose came as result of a word play (task, tusk). I was thinking that a boar or a rhinoceros would be representative as a logo.
Thank you.


I think this logo is suitable for my Operating System (and an integrated kernel project.)


Project Name: BaLeCoK - Base Level Computer Kernel
Written In: C++ (mostly), ASM(BaLeCoK v2 Bootloader and Micro Kernel)
Github Stars: 64 (Last update: June 19, 2018)
Commit Amounts: 246 (Last update: June 19, 2018)

The Graph



Supported Arch: x86_64

BaLeCoK Bootloader

A Bootloader boots BaLeCoK. Written in x86 ASM. Has some features and has 2 parts. Part 1, Part 2.

BaLeCoK Micro Kernel

Lowest Level of BaLeCoK. Does low-level stuff (like e820 com and mmapping). Written in x86 ASM. You can see it from here.

BaLeCoK Main Kernel

All primary stuff happens here. It is the core of the system. Written in Pure C++ and a freestanding project. Can be compiled in cross-compilers.


We are currently using FAT32 for FileSystem. We have ATA HDD Driver (written from scratch)


We can manipulate the memory. Memory Allocation, Memory Mapping and tons of method supported.

Example Memory Mapping


Hardware Drivers

We are currently supporting QWERTY keyboard (driver can be found here). And supporting capital letters.

Example Of Keyboard Driver



BaLeCoK offers a *nix like shell (not completely Posix). Shell has this commands.

  • reboot => Reboots the system
  • help => Shows command list
  • uptime => Prints uptime
  • clear => Clears the screen
  • date => Prints date (format: %d.%m.%y %h.%m.%s). Gets data from RTC
  • sleep => Sleeps given amount
  • echo => Prints given string
  • mmap => Shows Memory Map (from e820)
  • memory => Shows Memory Details
  • disks => Shows connected disks
  • partitions => Shows partitions
  • mount => Mounts given
  • unmount => Unmounts given
  • ls => Lists files/dirs
  • free => Prints free size
  • cd => Changes Directory to given.
  • pwd => Prints Working Directory
    Shell can be found here.


I have only one blog post about BaLeCoK. It is one of the The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts of The Week when i publish it.

Writing an OS from scratch

Thanks :)

Hello everyone, thanks for supporting and all kind words.

@avenirer nice work on Tusker.
@BTaskaya wow! (Gurur duydum)


@avenirer Rhinoceros don't have tusk, they have horns. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@BTaskaya looks like we have genius here, keep it up! ๐Ÿ™


For my project, this logo will be awesome compared to the actual one.

This project is a complete framework for Json Web Token (JWT) management for PHP.
It covers all approved IETF specifications and supports dozen of signature and encryption algorithms, compression methods and all serialization methods. And if it is not enough, you can easily extend its capabilities with your own/custom implementations.

From my POV, a rhinoceros like this one perfectly fits to that project as it represents stability and security.

traffic web token jwt framework

Congrats @BTaskaya ๐Ÿฆ
Can you please get in touch with me from I'll share all resource files, fonts and sticker mule voucher.

Thanks again everyone for claiming and supporting.

~ Aras