
I can't use lookup operator in query.

eZubia opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to use an aggregate query with the $lookup operation but isn't populate the id.

i'm using:

Node: 10.13.0
mongoose: 5.3.13
mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2: 1.0.2

The query i'm trying to use is this:

{ $match: { $and: [ { 'guide_tour' : Types.ObjectId(<testid>)}, ] } }, { $lookup: { from: "node", localField: "node", foreignField: "_id", as: "node" } }, { $unwind: "$node", }, { $sort : { step : 1} }

And the result that i spect is this:

{ _id: 5d44d8cb77e6a285ce82d7ee, deleted: { isDeleted: false }, guide_tour: 5d44d8cb77e6a2400d82d7e6, node: { _id: 5d436f3e187e6d000653eff8, node_name: 'None /home link-home Inicio ', node_level: 'ELEMENT'} __v: 0 }

And this is the result with the mongoose-aggregate.

{ _id: 5d44d8cb77e6a2023482d7f9, deleted: { isDeleted: false }, guide_tour: 5d44d8cb77e6a2400d82d7e6, node: 5d447c0015cddf0006965f4a, description: 'Da clic en Aceptar', step: 19, requested: 0, __v: 0 }

With the simple aggregation it works fine.

Save issue that you... Could you somehow fix it? my other option is now to build with skip...

 const aggregationPipelines = [
          $match: {
            authorities: { $in: ["ROLE_ARCHITECT"] },
            isActivated: true,
            isClosed: false,
            name: {
              $regex: new RegExp(architectName, "i")
            country: !isEmpty(country) ? { $in: [country] } : { $ne: [country] }
          $lookup: {
            from: "profiles",
            localField: "_id",
            foreignField: "_user",
            as: "profile"
          $project: {
            _id: true,
            avatar: true,
            lastConnectionDate: true,
            isOnline: true,
            "": true,
            "profile.categories": true,
            "profile.skills": true,
            "profile.styles": true,
            "": true,
            "profile.portfolio.images": true,
            "profile.portfolio.title": true,
            "profile.portfolio._id": true,
            "profile.portfolio.category": true,
            "": true,
            "": true,
            "profile.favorite": true,
            "": true

These are my pipes lines, then i

const profileAggregations = await User.aggregate(aggregationPipelines)

and when i try

const profiles = await User.aggregatePaginate(

Its just return the User element without the aggregation work....