
customLabels: typescript

torquan opened this issue · 2 comments


is it possible to customize the PaginateModel to use my custom labels?

The Readme helped me with the paginationResult, but I'm stuck with those labels.

Hi @torquan

you can achive this be override the interface of the results by creating mongoose/index.d.ts in your types folder if you don't have one and add the code below into the file

declare module 'mongoose' {
  interface PaginateResult<T> {
    docs: T[]
    data: T[]
    totalDocs: number
    limit: number
    hasPrevPage: boolean
    hasNextPage: boolean
    page?: number | undefined
    totalPages: number
    offset: number
    prevPage?: number | null | undefined
    nextPage?: number | null | undefined
    pagingCounter: number
    meta?: any
   // You can add your customLabels here, for example:
    perPage: number

also you can remove the whole keys above and replace them with your custom labels if you have set your custom labels in plugin global options

Hope this help

Thanks, @HamoBoker!