
Integration scripts for Federated Cloud Information System

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Information provider

BuildStatus Coveralls GitHub release

The Cloud Information provider generates a representation of cloud resources, that can be published inside a BDII (using the provided LDIF templates for a GlueSchema v2 representation) or any other component like the INDIGO Configuration Management Database (CMDB) (Using specific templates).

The generated representation is described using a Mako template having access to the cloud middleware information.

Supported cloud middleware providers:

  • OpenNebula
  • OpenStack/ooi using Keystone authentication with API v3 only



The cloud-provider depends on PyYAML, which is already included as a dependency for binary packages and when installing from source.

For running the cloud-provider in a production environment with a BDII you will probably need:

  • bdii (available in Ubuntu/Debian repos, for RH based distros it is in EPEL, for Debian wheezy it is available in the backports repo).
  • if you are generating information for OpenStack, you will also need to install python-novaclient.

On RHEL you will also need to enable the EPEL repository for python-defusedxml that is required for the OpenNebula provider.

Providers-specific dependencies are managed using provider-specific metapackages. Those metapackages are dependent on the main cloud-info-provider that is common to all the providers and also includes the provider-specific dependencies.


  • cloud-info-provider-openstack
  • cloud-info-provider-opennebula
  • cloud-info-provider


  • python-cloud-info-provider-openstack
  • python-cloud-info-provider-opennebula
  • python-cloud-info-provider

OpenStack/ooi provider dependencies

  • python-novaclient
  • python-glanceclient
  • python-keystoneauth1

OpenNebula provider dependencies

  • python-defusedxml

Binary packages

Latest packages are made available at EGI's AppDB.

Packages having gone through a the EGI CMD Stagged Rollout and SQA process are available in the CMD repositories.

Use the appropriate repository for your distribution and install using the OS-specific tools.

Building the packages using docker containers

python-pbr is used for building the python module and is available through the OpenStack repositories.

The version is set according to the repository information (tags, commits,...).

Building RPMs
  • The OpenStack repositories are only used to get the python-pbr build dependency that is required to build the cloud-info-provider package.
  • On CentOS 6 install centos-release-openstack instead of centos-release-openstack-newton.
# Checkout tag to be packaged
git clone https://github.com/EGI-Foundation/cloud-info-provider.git
cd cloud-info-provider
git checkout X.X.X
# Create a source tarball
python setup.py sdist
mkdir ~/rpmbuild
# Building in a container using the tarball
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/source -v $HOME/rpmbuild:/root/rpmbuild -it centos:7
yum install -y rpm-build
# Required only for cloud-info-provider package to build python package
# Will configure repository containing python-pbr
yum install -y centos-release-openstack-newton
# Required only for cloud-info-provider package to build python package
yum install -y python-pbr python-setuptools
echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{SOURCES,SPECS}
cp /source/dist/cloud_info_provider-*.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
cp /source/rpm/cloud-info-provider-*.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/cloud-info-provider.spec
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/cloud-info-provider-openstack.spec
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/cloud-info-provider-opennebula.spec

The RPM will be available into the ~/rpmbuild directory.

Building a deb
# Checkout tag to be packaged
git clone https://github.com/EGI-Foundation/cloud-info-provider.git
cd cloud-info-provider
git checkout X.X.X
mkdir -p ~/debs/xenial
# Building in a container using the source files
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/source -v $HOME/debs:/root/debs -it ubuntu:xenial
apt update
apt install -y devscripts debhelper git
# Required only for cloud-info-provider package to build python package
apt install -y python-all-dev python-pbr python-setuptools
cd /source && debuild --no-tgz-check clean binary
cd /source/debs/cloud-info-provider-openstack && debuild --no-tgz-check clean binary
cd /source/debs/cloud-info-provider-opennebula && debuild --no-tgz-check clean binary
cp ../*.deb ~/debs/xenial

The deb will be available into the ~/debs/xenial directory.

From source

Source-based installation is not recommended for production usage, but is very handy for testing or development purpose. Get the source by cloning this repo and do a pip install.

As pip will have to copy files to /etc/cloud-info-provider directory, the installation user should be able to write to it, so it is recommended to create it before using pip.

sudo mkdir /etc/cloud-info-provider
sudo chgrp you_user /etc/cloud-info-provider
sudo chmod g+rwx /etc/cloud-info-provider
git clone https://github.com/EGI-Foundation/cloud-info-provider
cd cloud-info-provider
pip install .


Generation of the LDIF

By default the cloud-info-provider generates a LDIF according to the information in a yaml file describing the static information of the cloud resources. It will uses template located inside /etc/cloud-info-provider/templates with the LDIF extension. It is possible to specify another template extension using the --template-extension parameter. By default /etc/cloud-info-provider/static.yaml is used, but this path can be overriden with the --yaml-file option. A complete example with comments is available in the sample.static.yaml file.

Dynamic information can be further obtained with the middleware providers (OpenStack, ooi, and OpenNebula via rOCCI supported currently). Use the --middleware option for specifying the provider to use (see the command help for exact names). cloud-info-provider will fallback to static information defined in the yaml file if a dynamic provider is not able to return any information. See the sample.openstack.yaml and sample.opennebularocci.yaml for example configurations for each provider.

There are three different maps in the yaml file considered by the provider: site, compute, and storage:

  • site contains basic information of the site. The only attribute to define here is the name which must contain the site name as defined in GOCDB. Alternatively, the site name can be fetched from /etc/glite-info-static/site/site.cfg (or by the file set with the --glite-site-info-static option). Any other information is only relevant to generate a LDIF for a complete site-BDII (this is not the recommended deployment mode).
  • compute should be present for those sites providing a IaaS computing service. It describes the available resources, service endpoints, the available VM images and the templates to run those images. Dynamic providers will fetch most of the information in this section. See the sample yaml files for details.
  • storage should be present for sites providing IaaS storage service. Similarly to the compute, it contains a description of the resources and enpoints providing the service. There are no dynamic providers for storageat the moment.

Each dynamic provider has its own commandline options for specifying how to connect to the underlying service. Use the --help option for a complete listing of options.

For example for OpenStack, use a command line similar to the following:

cloud-info-provider-service --yaml-file /etc/cloud-info-provider/static.yaml \
    --middleware openstack --os-username <username> --os-password <password> \
    --os-user-domain-name default --os-project-name <tenant> \
    --os-project-domain-name default --os-auth-url <auth-url>

Test the generation of the LDIF before running the provider into your BDII!

OpenStack provider

The OpenStack provider only publishes information about native OpenStack API access, for ooi information check below

Filtering public or private flavors

By default the OpenStack provider will return 'all' flavors, but it is also possible to select only 'public' or 'private' flavors using the --select-flavors parameter set to all, public or private. For more details see OpenStack flavors documentation.

ooi provider

The ooi provider publishes information for those sites using ooi on top of OpenStack nova to provide OCCI support. It has the same options as the openstack provider and yaml configuration file can be used without any changes.

Running the provider in a resource-BDII

This is the normal deployment mode for the cloud provider. It should be installed in a node with access to your cloud infrastructure: for OpenStack/ooi, access to nova service is needed; for OpenNebula-rOCCI provider, access to the files describing the rOCCI templates is needed (e.g. installing the provider in the same host as rOCCI-server).

Create the provider script

In /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/ create a cloud-info-provider file that calls the provider with the correct options for your site:


cloud-info-provider-service --yaml /etc/cloud-info-provider/openstack.yaml \
                            --middleware openstack \
                            --os-username <username> --os-password <password> \
                            --os-user-domain-name default \
                            --os-project-name <tenant> \
                            --os-project-domain-name default \
                            --os-auth-url <auth-url>

Give execution permission:

chmod +x /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/cloud-info-provider

and test it:


It should output the full ldif describing your site.

Publishing both native OpenStack and ooi information

In your /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/cloud-info-provider include calls to both OpenStack and ooi providers:


cloud-info-provider-service --yaml /etc/cloud-info-provider/openstack.yaml \
                            --middleware openstack \
                            --os-username <username> --os-password <password> \
                            --os-user-domain-name default --os-project-name <tenant> \
                            --os-project-domain-name default --os-auth-url <auth-url>
cloud-info-provider-service --yaml /etc/cloud-info-provider/openstack.yaml \
                            --middleware ooi \
                            --os-username <username> --os-password <password> \
                            --os-user-domain-name default --os-project-name <tenant> \
                            --os-project-domain-name default --os-auth-url <auth-url>

Start the bdii service

Once the provider script is working, start the bdii service:

service bdii start

The ldap server should contain all your cloud resource information:

ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 2170 -b o=glue

Adding the resource provider to the site-BDII

Sites should have a dedicated host for the site-BDII. Information on how to set up this machine is avaiable in the EGI.eu wiki at How to publish site information.

Add your cloud-info-provider to your site-BDII by adding a new URL that looks like this:


Other deployment modes

These deployment modes cover special cases that should not be used in production!

Running the cloud-provider in a site-BDII

If your site does not have a separated site-BDII and you want to use the cloud provider in the site-BDII host (NOTE: any problems in the cloud provider will affect your site-BDII!), you can add the --site-in-suffix to the provider in /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/cloud-info-provider.

Generate complete BDII information

Warning: This does not generate GLUE1.3 information and will fail SAM tests

The cloud provider can also generate the GlueSchema 2.0 info for a site by using the --full-bdii-ldif option.