
Meteor installation required for running .exe

ericdepotter opened this issue · 23 comments

General description

Does meteor need to be installed when you want to run the generated .exe?

Because when I run the exe on another windows pc which does not have meteor installed. The following error occurs (runs fine on the pc that packaged it):

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\...\Appdata\Local\.meteor\meteor.bat'


If this is the case then why is meteor bundled in the generation process?

Generation process

  1. Removed ./.electrify folder
  2. Started meteor app
  3. Set name in ./.electrify/package.json
  4. Restarted app
  5. Ran '' in 'meteor shell' using new command line

The resulting executable is for win32 and ia32

Test method

  1. Zipped the folder in .dist
  2. Copied to another windowd pc
  3. Ran the .exe

Both the generation and testing was performed on a windows 10 x64 pc.

Hi @ericdepotter, Meteor isn't needed.

I'm gonna check this.

In this meanwhile, I've just released a new version some mins ago, with a complete revamp of the project.

Can you please update and let me know if this problems still persists?



I just tested to run my app with the new version of Electrify, but now I get this message:
electrify:meteor:index@server: cannot initialize connection. Did you npm install -g electrify?

I did not install electrify with npm and this worked fine in the previous version. Is this required now and if so how do you install with npm on Windows?

Yes, electrify npm package is mandatory now.

You can install it like this:

npm install -g electrify

Ok, I installed electrify and packaged the app succesful, however when running the app on another computer wihout Meteor installed, the same error came up.

Can't see how this can be happening.

You're packaging the app like electrify package?

And then opening it by double-clicking the .exe file inside the .dist folder?

I am getting the same error here, same conditions. First it was because I tried to deploy only the .exe (can see the shortcomings of this now) to 3rd party user Windows machine. Now it is throwing the same JS error when it is run from the .dist output. It runs perfectly fine on Win10 64x dev machine and breaks on Win8 64x user machine despite being the exact same folder. Same js error pops up on run.

Thanks for the feedbacks, I'll give it a deeper look.

Here are the detailed steps, I did to test this:

  1. Installed electrify using npm.
  2. Ran electrify in the app's base folder.
  3. Changed the name of the app in package.json in the folder ./.electrify.
  4. Packaged the app by running electrify package.
  5. Tested the app by running the .exe in ./.electrify/.dist/$name-of-app$-win32-x64.
  6. Zipped the map in the .dist folder.
  7. Moved the zip to another computer.
  8. Extracted and ran the .exe in the extracted folder.

Should be fixed in 2.0.1, please update and let me know if worked as expected.

Tks for reporting.

Thank you Arboleya. Now when I run 'electrify package' it returns the below:


Oh snap, I'll check it.

I have the same error when I run electrify in the app's map.

Now I believe it's fixed, in version 2.0.2.

Can you guys please update and try again?

Thank you. This time it got further, ran for ~4 minutes working on it, and threw this:

@rogerkirkness This has nothing to do with the previous error, actually seems like a permission problem in window's filesystem. Error rises when Electrify attempts to move the bundled meteor app dir inside the .dist folder.

I myself had lots of problems with Windows filesystem, for many times I've have to completely delete my app, clone it again and restart. It worked many times, but in worse cases I've to restart the machine.

Can you test some things around it? Have in mind it's a filesystem permission problem. In my case, windows always thought my dir was in use so it can't move forward.

Please let me know how it went.

Sure. I guess the only difference was it didn't do this before, but as you
say it could be some kind of lingering file system issue. I will try
cloning/deleting and moving it into root and stuff and get back to you.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 5:28 PM, Anderson Arboleya

@rogerkirkness This has nothing to do
with the previous error, actually seems like a permission problem in
window's filesystem. Error rises when Electrify attempts to move the
bundled meteor app dir inside the .dist folder.

I myself had lots of problems with Windows filesystem, for many times
I've have to completely delete my app, clone it again and restart. It
worked many times, but in worse cases I've to restart the machine.

Can you test some things around it? Have in mind it's a filesystem
permission problem. In my case, windows always thought my dir was in use so
it can't move forward.

Please let me know how it went.

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#21 (comment).

Got it working on dev machine after reboot. Will confirm when it is working on client.

It is working! Thank you for your work on this, and such quick turn around. I tried it on one machine so far but will be trying it on two more soon.

Glad to hear it, closing the :)

It also works for me, thanks @arboleya for your fast fixes.

I am still getting this original issue on 2.0.2

Did you delete the .electrify folder and then re-package it? If so, then I
am not sure what to suggest. It is working on several different client
devices for me right now.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 5:11 PM, Connor Hallett

I am still getting this original issue on 2.0.2

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#21 (comment).

@rogerkirkness Removing the folder fixed the issue. Thank you