
decor.defaults() doesn't return the defaults

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I am going through the documentation.

Here in Arbor, the decor() class, defaults(), is supposed to return a list of all set defaults for inspection.

By calling:

decor = Arbor.decor()

I should have the returned defaults. I somehow have it but in the error message, not as the regular output of the function. I'm not sure if that is considered a bug.

Hi @ErbB4,

what is the error message?

Like this:

Unable to convert function return value to a Python type! The signature was
(self: arbor._arbor.decor) -> List[Union[arbor._arbor.membrane_potential, arbor._arbor.axial_resistivity, arbor._arbor.temperature_K, arbor._arbor.membrane_capacitance, arbor._arbor.ion_diffusivity, arbor._arbor.int_concentration, arbor._arbor.ext_concentration, arbor._arbor.reversal_potential, arb::ion_reversal_potential_method, arbor._arbor.cv_policy]]

ah. defaults is possibly a list, not a function? Try


only returns <bound method PyCapsule.defaults of <arbor._arbor.decor object at 0x735e587c7af0>>

even decor.defaults? returns more:

defaults(self: arbor._arbor.decor) -> List[Union[arbor._arbor.membrane_potential, arbor._arbor.axial_resistivity, arbor._arbor.temperature_K, arbor._arbor.membrane_capacitance, arbor._arbor.ion_diffusivity, arbor._arbor.int_concentration, arbor._arbor.ext_concentration, arbor._arbor.reversal_potential, arb::ion_reversal_potential_method, arbor._arbor.cv_policy]]

Return a view of all defaults.

But I think it is not the right way to use it hehe

Interestingly, I cannot reproduce this on the current HEAD version:

✔❯  python3
Python 3.12.3 (main, Apr  9 2024, 08:09:14) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import arbor as A
>>> d = A.decor()
>>> d.defaults()
>>> A.config()
{'mpi': True, 'mpi4py': True, 'gpu': None, 'vectorize': False, 'profiling': True, 'neuroml': True, 'bundled': True, 'version': '0.9.1-dev', 'source': '2024-06-07T09:29:45+02:00 bfbb60bda5181bfe267b9459c4d8fdee4b0b50bd modified', 'build_config': 'RELEASE', 'arch': 'native', 'prefix': '/usr/local', 'python_lib_path': '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages', 'binary_path': 'bin', 'lib_path': 'lib', 'data_path': 'share', 'CXX': '/opt/homebrew/bin/g++-11', 'pybind-version': '2.11.1', 'timestamp': 'Jun 11 2024 11:57:16'}

And on the pypi published version:

✔❯  ipython3
Python 3.12.3 (main, Apr  9 2024, 08:09:14) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.25.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import arbor as A

In [2]: A.config()
{'mpi': False,
 'mpi4py': False,
 'gpu': None,
 'vectorize': False,
 'profiling': False,
 'neuroml': True,
 'bundled': True,
 'version': '0.9.0',
 'source': 'unknown commit',
 'build_config': 'RELEASE',
 'arch': 'native',
 'prefix': '/usr/local',
 'python_lib_path': '',
 'binary_path': 'bin',
 'lib_path': 'lib',
 'data_path': 'share',
 'CXX': '/Applications/',
 'pybind-version': '2.10.1',
 'timestamp': 'Aug 10 2023 10:52:41'}

In [3]: d = A.decor()

In [4]: d.defaults()
Out[4]: []

interesting... I have no comment anymore

'Works on my machine' is not a fix. If it still occurs on your installation, maybe try rebuilding, and we'll try to get to the bottom of it

I think this has resolved.