
[FEATURE] DnD4e System Support

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The DnD4e System uses 3 primary resources for tracking a player's life. By default I can only track 2 with foundry and I was directed to your module as it can be set up to show temporary hit points as overshields on top of the main HP bar, however the system is not supported. It would be fantastic to have it added, and I assume it should be fairly quick.

DnD4e uses HP (attributes.hp), Temporary HP (attributes.temphp) and Healing Surges (details.surges). Temporary HP are always removed first, and then Hit Points. Surges are 4th edition's version of hit dice, however they are used much more often in combat, and need to be visually tracked instead t being only on the character sheets, but they don't need any direct interaction with HP or Temp HP.

The mod can display several coloured bars and I'm hoping it will be a quick and easy addition for it to support DnD4e.

Thank you so much for the work you've put into the mod, and here's hoping you might be able to expand it to this often forgotten system.

Alternatively, it might be better on your end if you simply lift the system requirement and then have a drop down menu to select a supported system, with one at the bottom named "Custom" so for those that you don't actively support, the users can at least give it a shot.