Test action stucks at handler.test_call_exception
arcan1s opened this issue · 2 comments
The test actions stucks forever at https://github.com/arcan1s/ahriman/blob/master/tests/ahriman/application/handlers/test_handler.py#L70.
Steps to Reproduce
I have configured action which creates container with required dependencies and run checks and tests there, the yml can be found here ahriman/run-tests.yml at master · arcan1s/ahriman · GitHub.
The last successful run was at Dec, 26. At the start of February I have tried to make changes and found that actions didn’t start at all which were related to the incident GitHub Status - Incident with GitHub Actions, GitHub Pages, and Webhooks.
Later as soon as incident was resolved I have tried to run job again, but job now stucks at the same place (maybe time?) forever.
From my side I didn’t make any changes in these files (test and source code) since October, I have also tried to run the same command line from console (docker run -v $(pwd):/build -w /build archlinux:latest .github/workflows/tests.sh), but it didn’t produce any errors. Also I have found that it is possible to make successful run of this job if I would speed up it somehow, I just run tests in parallel).
Expected behavior
Job runs as usual
the issue seems to be self resolved o_0