
Make "…" trigger a note

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Some keyboards like to do this symbol instead of ....

After looking in the code this may be a bit harder to implement

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  command :note, {
    aliases: %i[n ..],

The aliases part relies on there already being a period at the beginning, but since this is a unicode character this is not the case. The only way it seems would be to rewrite the aliases bit to not always expect there to be a period at the beginning, which would also mean rewriting many commands.

I have no idea how the command system works internally and I cannot find much information about it, however it is possible that it is baked into discordrb which would be a bit more annoying.

Closest I could find is this, however as I do not know ruby I am unsure.
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  # A command that references another command
  class CommandAlias
    # @return [Symbol] the name of this alias
    attr_reader :name

    # @return [Command] the command this alias points to
    attr_reader :aliased_command

    def initialize(name, aliased_command)
      @name = name
      @aliased_command = aliased_command

I cannot help with actually developing this much as ruby does not want to work for me, however I can still write (some) code.

The command system is indeed baked into discordrb. I basically had to read the source code to understand it.

I could add this feature in a different way, though, by moving the command logic into a separate method, and adding a message event handler that runs on messages starting with .