I need to include an entity but with a condition
itcozum opened this issue · 5 comments
I need some help running this; I need to include the second table with a condition like so;
DateTime _mydate = BusinessDaysUtility.ConvertFromDateTimeOffset(model.Today.Value.Date);
var results = await _unitOfWork.GetRepository<PersonnelTable>().GetPagedListAsync(
disableTracking: true,
predicate: t => t.CompanyBranchId.Equals(model.CompanyBranchId) && t.Status == true,
pageIndex: model.PageIndex, pageSize: model.PageSize,
**include: source => source.Include(w => w.EmployeeCheckInCheckoutData.Where(c => c.CheckInDate.HasValue && c.CheckInDate.Value.LocalDateTime.Date.Equals(_mydate.Date) && c.IsDeleted != true)**
But I'm getting this error message:-
The Include property lambda expression 'w => {from EmployeeCheckInCheckoutData c in w.EmployeeCheckInCheckoutData where ((([c].CheckInDate != null) AndAlso Convert([c].CheckInDate, DateTimeOffset).LocalDateTime.Date.Equals(___mydate_Date_0)) AndAlso ([c].IsDeleted != True)) select [c]}' is invalid. The expression should represent a property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. To target navigations declared on derived types, specify an explicitly typed lambda parameter of the target type, E.g. '(Derived d) => d.MyProperty'.
please reply, this is the second time I'm asking for this help.
thanks in advance.
The prompt message had tell you how to do it
can u pls just help ??
this is very unfortunate that you've just DIS me for no reason, at list what ask of you is doable.
please I need your help about this subject.. adding where clause to include..
@xyting can I get an example of how you got this to work properly