Scala Bootcamp 2021 Homeworks

This repo contains 22 homeworks for Scala Bootcamp 2021

Scala CI

The schedule can be found here:

IMO most interesting are: 24, 18, 19, 21. But you can look at any below.


Number/Url Lecture Topic Homework Title
01 Introduction and basic Scala Syntax (types, functions, parametric polymorphism) Least Common Multiple & Greatest Common Division
02 Classes & Traits and some Control Structures: if-else, pattern matching Areas and Shapes
03 Control Structures: recursion, map, flatMap, filter, for-comprehensions Calculator
04 Data Structures ([im]mutable, Array, List, Map, tuples) Number of small exercises
05 Functions ([im]pure, total/partial) & Algebraic Data Types - role in functional design, using them Poker
06 SBT, single- vs multi-module projects bulkySources sbt plugin
08 Implicits Number of small exercises
10 HKT & Type Classes Homemade JSON Encoder/Decoder & Mutable Bounded Cache
11 Categories (HKT + implicits coding practice) Categories
12 Error Handling - Option, Either, Try, Validated, encoding errors as ADTs Payment Card Validator
13 Processing JSON using Circe. Custom coders and decoders NBA API Parser
14 Unit Testing Improved Calculator 02
15 Cats Core Intro. Monad Transformers Number of small exercises
17 Asynchronous Programming - JVM threads, Futures & Promises, synchronized, Atomic Server Name Extractor
18 Cats Effect: IO IO implementation with Declarative encoding
19 Cats Effect: Resource, ContextShift, Fiber Min Hash Calculator
20 Unit Testing 2: Mocks, Compiler Testing, Parametric Reasoning Property-based tests training
21 Shared State in FP: Ref, Deferred, Semaphore, MVar Concurrent cache with expiration
23 Http with http4s Guessing Game
24 WebSocket with http4s Improved Guessing Game 23
26 Working with Databases from Scala: JDBC, Slick, Doobie Book Server
27 Akka - Actors and other Akka features Binary Tree


Each homework is numbered (01, 02 etc.). Inside the numbered folder you may find two folders: fsharp and scala. The former contains implementation of a task written with F# and the latter - with Scala.

How to run F# (for curious Scala users)

First, you need to install .NET. That is very simple - just find your OS and lines to execute here. Then you need to install Visual Studio Code, and Ionide plugin for it.

In case a task is written as script(s), you will see fsx files which you can run the following ways:

  • Open folder with scripts in VS Code. Click Ctrl + A, and then Alt + Enter , which sends the selected text into REPL
  • Or run dotnet fsi scriptname.fsx in console

Here is video example which shows both of those options:

If you have any questions about how to use REPL, or have problems with .net/vscode/ionide installation - let me know.

Also, you may want to read a very short F# overview. I expect it to take 30 - 60 mins at max for Scala users:
