
EDTF timespans are not validated on input

Opened this issue · 3 comments

This issue was originally identified in the context of the bulk data manager, but should be fixed in the EDTF datatype's validation layer.

The EDTF format allows the storage of a timespan by using the "/" delimiter like this: 2023-06/2024-01. If your input csv contains incorrectly formatted EDTF timespan (e.g. 2024-01/2023-06), the data will be loaded, but the resource will fail to index and you will be blocked from making any other changes to the resource in the resource editor until you have fixed the incorrectly formatted EDTF data.


Identified in Arches-EWAP, Arches 7.5.1

This doesn't seem like it's an issue with the bulk data manager, but rather with the EDTF datatype's validation logic. While it might make sense for some bulk modules to do some validation, ultimately it's up to the datatype's validation to ensure that nothing is saved to a tile that cannot be indexed.

Point well taken, @chiatt. I'd like to point out that you are not able to save invalid EDTF timespans via the resource editor, but you can save invalid data if using the single-csv bulk data module, which is why I initially attributed this to the BDM. I suppose this could be a case of data validation layers existing both in the front-end and back-end?

Point well taken, @chiatt. I'd like to point out that you are not able to save invalid EDTF timespans via the resource editor, but you can save invalid data if using the single-csv bulk data module, which is why I initially attributed this to the BDM. I suppose this could be a case of data validation layers existing both in the front-end and back-end?

There shouldn't be any need for front-end validation because the bulk importers call datatype.validate on all values before actually staging any data:

errors = datatype_instance.validate(value, **config)

Perhaps this is getting bypassed somehow in single-csv? At a glance it looks okay, but there must be something wrong: