
Ability to create diagram connections

michael-tapp-vodafone-com opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm trying to write script where I want to create a diagram connection, for example, a connection between a note & an element. When I look in the API however, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this (unless I'm missing something).

There is createRelationship - but (as I've found) this only works for model relationships rather than visual connections
There is add(relationship) - but this wants an existing relationship and because I can't create one, it doesn't work
There is createObject - for visual objects on a diagram, but this seems to be objects only rather than relationships

Is this a missing feature? Or am I missing something?

Related too, there some visual aspects of those connections that are not available for standard relationships such as changing the connection from solid, to dotted, dashed etc and the source/target style. Again, unless I'm missing it, am I correct in thinking those aren't currently accessible from JArchi?



Hi Michael, creating non-ArchiMate connections is on the to-do list and is being worked on:




Aha, thanks Phil, I wondered as much :).


This is now in jArchi 1.1.1 released today.

Fantastic, thanks Phil.