
Wrong sorting order in models tree

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Follow up for #1051

Version of Archi silicon mac

Archi Plug-ins


Operating System

mac silicon

Expected Behaviour

alphanumeric sorting

Actual Behaviour

character sorting

Steps to Reproduce the Behaviour

  1. create folders with numerals in naming like folder-15 folder-100
  2. look up in tree
  3. folder 100 will be first

So how can it be changed? Because it's terrible behaviour for sorting, it's not usable at all, maybe only for Wittgenstein Tractatus table of content is good, but not for other cases. Digital sequences should be compared as numbers not as literals one by one.

More over most editors sort in the right way.

Look for example on Intellij Idea on same system


So I see it more as bug then expected behaviour

Duplicate of #1051. Closing.

@Phillipus even other IDE or editor engines not an argument?