Team name contains named HTML entity instead of unicode representation
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Saturn commented
I am guessing it is because this team was just promoted last season. But for some reason the team name from the API is given as União Madeira
instead of Uni\u00e3o Madeira
or equivalent.
It doesn't print very nicely 😄
União Madeira 0 vs 0 Vitoria Guimaraes
It could be fixed with something like:
>>> from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
>>> h = HTMLParser()
>>> team = 'União Madeira'
>>> print team
União Madeira
>>> print h.unescape(team)
União Madeira
But don't think that is necessary since it is the only team name that contains a named HTML entity so I assume it is an error.
I have emailed the site owner about this issue.
Saturn commented
This has been fixed now 👍