
#Feature Request

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Would it be possible to add Scottish league's premier and championship i'd be ever so grateful
id be willing to contribute to the scottish league text sorry im not programmer.

Hi @cirrusUK!

The current API which powers soccer-cli doesn't support Scottish League. Let me see if I can get the data from somewhere else. Meanwhile, do you know any source from where we could get fixture results for Scottish League?

I will surely add Scottish League as soon as I manage to get the data.

Thanks @architv
I have been using below bash function to get scores and you can find Scottish fixtures/results here i hope you will be able to do something with it, on another note i have soccer-cli installed on 3x archlinux installs i installed as root using " /usr/bin/python2 install " yet the --league and --team switches do not work, is this a bug or maybe it's down to archlinux and it's bleeding edge packages, anyways it's no big deal, i get the results from EPL by using this shell alias ..
#shell alias
alias epl=" soccer --time=10 | sed -n '/EPL/,/LLIGA/p' | sed '$d' "
#shell function
#List Realtime Soccer Results | Usage: score
score() {
watch -n10 --no-title "w3m |awk '/live [0-9H]+[^ ]/,/red cards/'" ;
i found this which has API which is a paid service tho it apparently gives the scots league free

The Scottish leagues and cup competitions are now supported by the new version of the API however they are not part of the free tier.