
Question regarding ability to link OBO Foundry ontologies into ArchivesSpace

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi! My name is Clair Kronk, I've created the GSSO (Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation) ontology, a controlled vocabulary of over 10,000 terms available here: (and here: I've had some interest from organizations wanting to link this vocabulary (and other OBO Foundry ontologies at Ontobee) into their ArchivesSpace records as tags.

Is there a plugin that would support this operation? There are RDF/XML, OWL, and JSON-LD versions of the GSSO, as well as a SPARQL API at Ontobee for access ( if that helps! Thanks so much for your time!

First, let me say "Hello!" And apologies for letting this issue languish here for so long. This is such an interesting idea!

As far as I know, there is not a plugin that would support this functionality, although I'm curious if perhaps it might be possible for someone keen to adapt the existing code for a plugin that already exists for importing agent or subject headings from the Library of Congress that is currently part of the core code -- I'm including a link to the relevant part of the code here:

If you're looking to find a potential partner in this effort, I might suggest reaching out to the ArchivesSpace Google Group (, which is open to anyone or the User Group email list (, which is restricted to ArchivesSpace members.

It sounds really interesting, and I think a number of folks would love to hear more if that's something that is pursued.