
Unclear documentation on REST API

Opened this issue · 3 comments

J4bbi commented

In the API documentation it is said that "Most requests to the ArchivesSpace backend requires a user to be authenticated." ( &

However I can find no reference to those requests which do not require authentication each and every curl example in starts with curl -H "X-ArchivesSpace-Session: $SESSION" .

sdm7g commented

Access to server info with "GET /" is probably the only one that doesn't require some authentication.

Also the OAI endpoints: /oai?verb= and /oai_sample do not require authentication

.permissions([]) # No permissions because the endpoint is effectively public

@lmcglohon - are the 2 cases above the only ones that don't require authentication? I can edit the docs to add this info.

@trevorthornton I think there are a bunch more. I moved this here so we can talk about it at the next tech_docs meeting. Not sure we want to maintain a list of APIs that don't need authentication but wanted feedback from the group.