
PHP Fatal error upon EAD import attempt

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I came across the following error when attempting to upload an EAD file into an Archon test server. When I attempted to upload the file, the admin interface stuck at "Parsing file php..."

Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 10 15 11 AM

Upon further inspection of the error.log file, I came across the following entry.

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in /var/www/archon/htdocs/packages/collections/db/ on line 67, referer: http://<ip-address-here>/index.php?p=admin/core/database

I checked the file, and I could in fact find no instance of the mb_detect_encoding function defined elsewhere within the file. I also performed a grep -R for mb_detect_encoding on the /var/www/archon/htdocs directory, and the only line that came back from this search is the previously-mentioned line The context for this function call is as follows:

foreach ($arrFiles as $Filename => $strXML)

         echo("Parsing file $Filename...<br/>\n");

         $currEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($strXML, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1');
         if ($currEncoding != 'UTF-8')
            echo("File encoded in $currEncoding. Converting to UTF-8...<br/>\n");
            $strXML = encoding_convert_encoding($strXML, 'UTF-8', $currEncoding);

Below are my current version details:

Server: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (minimal image from Canonical on AWS Marketplace)
Apache Version: Apache/2.4.18
MySQL Version: Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.31, for Linux (x86_64)
PHP Version: PHP 5.6.40-30

Archon Version: 3.21-rev. 3

Has anyone else experienced this issue and/or produced a local fix for this problem?

The mb_detect_encoding function is part of the PHP mbstring module. It seems like this module may not be enabled on your server instance. Check the "advanced" installation instructions here (, and make sure all of the listed packages have been installed. I believe mbstring gets included as a dependency of the various php packages listed.