
Tag releases

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey Blaz @archseer,

I’ve seen that you’ve incremented the version number in ruby-mpd but and released on Rubygems but in fact the code has not been tagged. Given that I’ve migrated the codebase onto Bundler, I thought I’d share with you what I do, it may be useful:

I use rake release after changing version.rb, this rake task comes from Bundler and it properly tags the codebase, pushes it up and then releases the gem onto Rubygems. So all release stuff can be done using a single command in the terminal.

Hopefully this will help.

— Attila

I've went and manually tagged the versions that weren't tagged yet, didn't know it's a big deal.

Ah I see, I never used these tasks before, always did the procedure manually. Will look into using these in the future.