
Checking for updates doesn't take into consideration the semantic version

sync-by-unito opened this issue · 0 comments

I pulled the latest code from ran npm install -g. Running a basic command like archway accounts yields a message like this (after the main content is displayed):

Checking for updates...
A newer version of Archway CLI is available (v1.2.3)
Support for v1.3.0 has ended. Install the latest version with npm install -g @archwayhq/cli
If you want skip this check, prepend the command with ARCHWAY_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK=true, or add it to your environment file (.bashrc, .zshrc, ...)

“v1.2.3” is smaller than “v1.3.0” so what support was ended? And this was with the latest version of the CLI.

Installing from npm install -g @archwayhq/cli, however, resolves the problem and is indeed at version 1.2.3:

❯ archway -v