

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  • 依赖包名 及 版本: @arco-design/web-vue@2.56.0
  • 框架版本: vue3.4
  • 浏览器版本: chrome127.0.0.0

你好 @ztyangt,我们需要你提供更多的信息或复现链接以便于我们帮你排查定位问题。7 天内未跟进此 issue 将会被自动关闭。

Hello @ztyangt, we need more information or a reproducible link from you to help us investigate and pinpoint the issue. If there is no follow-up within 7 days, this issue will be automatically closed.

由于该 issue 被标记为需要更多信息,却 7 天未收到回应。现关闭 issue,若有任何问题,可评论回复或点击加入Arco Design 飞书用户群询问。

This issue has been marked as needing more information, but there hasn’t been a response for 7 days, so we’re closing it for now. If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or join the Arco Design Feishu user group to ask for help.