
How to use progress indicator

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Hello everyone :)

Everything works perfectly, better than some packages I've tried recently, but I was relying on the listener to display the progress indicator CircularProgressIndicator(), and here I couldn't find a way to display it.

onPlayerState The listener displays "playing" the first time and then always displays "Buffering" in this case How can I use the progress indicator CircularProgressIndicator().

final VLCController _videoPlayerController = VLCController(args: ["-vvv"]);
bool _isMuted = false;
bool _isPlaying = true;
bool _isBuffering = true;

void initVLC(url) { url);

  _videoPlayerController.onPlayerState.listen((event) {
    //print('///////////// -- ' +;
    if (event == VLCState.Error) {
      //TODO: Show error message
    } else if (event == VLCState.Playing) {
      if (_isBuffering) {
        setState(() {
          _isBuffering = false;
        }); // Hide progress indicator
    } else if (event == VLCState.Buffering) {
      if (!_isBuffering) {
        setState(() {
          _isBuffering = true;
        }); // Show progress indicator

Many thanks to everyone who made the package, it's really good .