
Exception when running training with sklearn Estimator

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Describe the bug
When using the estimator_type = 'sklearn' on a gpu target, an exception is thrown:

TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'use_gpu'

To Reproduce
Call the start_training method , using sklearn estimator_type:

args = {
    '--c_value': 1.02,
    '--solver': 'saga', # lbfgs newton-cg liblinear saga sag
    '--train_test_split_ratio': 0.3

compute_run = trainer.start_training(training_name, environment_type='sklearn', 
                       script_parameters=args, use_estimator=True,
                       compute_target='gpu-training', gpu_compute=True)

Expected behavior
A training that gets scheduled without error

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

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