
Initialize unified working folder structure

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Provide a standard function that generates a unified working folder structure for a machine learning experiment.

Suggestion so far

  • Config
  • Notebook
  • Data
  • Script
  • Output
    • Model
    • Script

@SriramAvatar : need your input on the folder structure - anything missing?

@SamVanhoutte , Script on the root level is not needed when we have Output/Script. Should we have all lower casing?

@SriramAvatar - was thinking about the output folder as the thing that gets automatically stored & persisted in the Run details on AzureML (while the root folder is probably not persisted necessarily, no?)

lower casing = yes, I think so

@SamVanhoutte , was thinking the script as raw python version of the notebook, that would be used in builds later. If we are trying to snapshot the code, then for the dev its easier with the notebook.